Tag Archives: twins

Twice as much to love, two blessings from above. ~Author Unknown

Hearts entwined

Twenty fingers, twenty toes,

two sweet babies with cheeks of rose.

Born on the same day, two gifts from above,

lives entwined, two babies to love.

 ~Author Unknown

Good Morning World!

I had the absolute pleasure of meeting and capturing a brand new pair of newborn twins  yesterday.  They are gorgeous, sweet and oh so precious!  It was also my birthday and I could not think of a better, more wonderful way to celebrate it than to hold Baby B and Baby L.

Thank you M & M for welcoming me into your warm home.

It truly was a blessing to meet you both and your incredible little miracles.

Here is a sneak peek of your images:

(click on image to enlarge and if you would like to leave a comment:)

♥ Casting Call ♥

I am looking for newborn twins to be  models for a complimentary  photo shoot in the comfort of  your home.

If you are due in January or February  with twins and would like a free newborn session (includes ONE 11×14 portrait), please contact me at angie@angiechauvin.com.

Thanks and Happy 2010!
