Monthly Archives: June 2009

“Two souls, ♥ One heart…”

What a gorgeous day!

What a beautiful  moment in this couple’s new life.

I was honoured to be asked to photograph R. and B.’s wedding in beautiful Amherstburg!  They are  one of the sweetest couples I have ever met.  R. was radiant and adorable  and B. was handsome and kind, in spite of the fact that  he was under the weather.  They were surrounded by close family and friends.  It was perfect simplicity.

Thank you for inviting me in and allowing me to capture the magic of your wedding day 🙂

Here is your sneak peek!

Special kudos go out to my bro Tom, and my son Kevin for their wonderful help!  You guys rock!

“There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million.” – Walt Streightiff

Last evening, I had the pleasure of meeting two wonderful families and photographing the four sweet cousins.

A, L, J and G were so much fun and even though it was sweltering hot, they still managed to have a good time and be amazing little models for my camera 🙂  We played in the sand, chased bubbles, walked along the water and finished off with some good climbs and swings on the play equipment.  I couldn’t think of a better way to spend a summer evening!

Thank you moms for trusting me to photograph your beautiful children.  Here is your sneak peek!  (Be sure to click on thumbnails for larger view 🙂

“Gracefulness has been defined to be the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul”- William Hazlitt

There is a wonderful young family that I was blessed to meet last night.    Mom –  beautiful, kind and warm.  Dad – gentle, fun and loving.  And baby G. – beautiful, sweet, graceful, oh – so very graceful!

I had the pleasure of capturing some of the fleeting moments that pass all too quickly.  They are such a joy to be around and I truly loved spending time, snapping away in the early evening glow.  Thank you M family for allowing me to photograph this incredible time of your lives.  Baby G is simply gorgeous ♥  Enjoy enjoying her 🙂

“Babies touch the world with love.” — Author Unknown

This morning I had the wonderful pleasure of meeting a very adorable newborn and her sweet mommy and daddy.  Baby A is such a happy, content and easy-going little bundle of JOY!  I had a great  time getting to know her and all of her lovely little dimples and oh, those beautiful little fingers and toes!  I wanted to take her home with me ♥

I know mom and dad are anxious to see a few of the shots we captured, so here they are!  Thank you for welcoming me into your home and little family this morning!  It was incredible.  She is beautiful and I am privileged to have captured precious moments for you.

“When you learn, teach. When you get, give.” – Maya Angelou

I have often posted about how blessed I am to be able to do something that I LOVE and enjoy so immensely.  And I know that to be able to give back to my community, especially to those who can’t help themselves or speak for themselves, is the most rewarding of all.  It was a dream of mine to be able to put on this Pet Pix event and raise money for such a deserving cause as this.  This past Saturday, that dream became a reality.  I am so very proud.

I am very happy to report that Pet Pix  was a HUGE success!  In just 7 hours and about 33 pet minishoots later, and because of the kindness and generosity of  the people in my community, I was able to raise over $800.00 for our Humane Society’s Pumpkin fund for seriously injured and neglected animals they rescue.

It was such a fun day!  I met so many wonderful, kind, animal loving people from our community.

My sincerest, heartfelt thank you goes out to all caring people  who donated, Linda and her wonderful family at Pet Depot, my beautiful, giving children who helped me before and during the event,  and to the Windsor Star, The Tribune and the SmartShopper for advertising my event.  You guys ROCK~!

Because of your generousity, helpless companions such as Stealth and Hooch will be able to get the vet care they need when they need it.

Thank you, thank you, thank YOU!

Here are just a few of the wonderful pets I photographed at Pet Pix:

My fundraiser to Help the Helpless

Good Morning,

I am very thrilled to announce a very special day happening this Saturday here in Tecumseh.  I will be on location at Linda’s Pet Depot, doing mini sessions just for your pets!  For a donation of just $25, you will receive a very special 8×10  pet portrait.

100% of the proceeds will be given to the Humane Society’s Pumpkin fund.

Since I began volunteering my photography at the shelter last summer, I have been very  affected by the stories and the plight of many sweet, helpless animals who are fortunate to be rescued by the Humane Society.  A few months ago, I   was asked  to photograph two very sad and horribly neglected dogs,  Stealth and Hooch after they were seized and saved by the officers at the shelter.  It shook me to my core.  To witness this type of neglect and abuse of innocent, helpless beings was shocking to say the least.  I also had the opportunity to photograph another wonderful dog, Timmos, who also was terribly neglected and hurt and also  saved by the  shelter, in part due to the donations  in a special Pumpkin Fund.

And so now it is my turn, to do more, to help more and to change the outcome,  and save the lives of  helpless animals.

I know I can count on the support and kindness of the people in this county to come out and join me for a day of fun and photos this Saturday!  I’d love to meet you and your furbaby!

Here are the details:


And you can comment with any questions you may have.

Thank you in advance for helping me help the helpless!

“To love is to receive a glimpse of heaven.” –Karen Sunde

It was a gorgeous Saturday  morning  and I met with the most wonderful couple for an engagement shoot.  I am very flattered that they traveled over the border from MI to meet with me here.

S and H are so in love, you can feel it in the air when you are around them.  They are so sweet, funny and warm, it was very easy to have fun!  We walked along the beach where  I was able to capture some beautiful, tender moments they shared.

It was a picture perfect photo shoot with a picture perfect couple.  Thanks S and H for allowing me into your lives.  I wish you lots of love, health and happiness on this wonderful journey you are about to embark on.

Here is a small sneak preview of the captures:

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