“It is hard to be brave, when you’re only a Very Small Animal.” – Anonymous

Yesterday I met three wonderful furbabies.  There are so,  so, so,  many at the shelter.  People move away, abandon their pets, many treated as though they are simply disposable.  And then there are the very sad ones who have lost their masters.  I can’t even imagine how they must feel being in a cage day after day after day…..waiting…..hoping.

If you have room in your heart and your home, please consider a visit to the shelter to see the great companions that are waiting for a kind person  to give them the great life they deserve.  I guarantee that you will get much more than you give when you give a helpless animal the gift of life.




6 responses to ““It is hard to be brave, when you’re only a Very Small Animal.” – Anonymous

  1. Hi Angie, I love that you’ve devoted so much of your talent and energy to the shelter and the many animals who we all would love to take in…I know I’d keep every. single. one. If only I could!

  2. Awwww thanks so much Carly. I’m with you! I wish I could keep them all!!!
    thanks Sweetie 🙂

  3. Awsome Angie!

  4. Thanks so much Robyn 🙂

  5. Angie,

    I’m always baffled how people can just leave a family member behind! I guess they aren’t considered a family member-how sad!Our dog was recently diagnosed with diabetes in May and we have adjusted our lifestyle to accomodate her twice daily insulin injections. Our children are 13 and 16 and don’t require a babysitter. Just recently we had a dog sitter. Nelly was meant to be with us as we’ll always take care of her needs. She is very special to us!

  6. Hi Julie,
    I totally agree 🙂 Kudos to you for being loving, responsible humans! Thank you!!!
    Enjoy your Nelly girl! ♥

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